$598.00 USD

MindBodyBack: 30-Day Pain Transformation System

Find freedom from back pain and transform your life in 30 days, guaranteed.

Join Now and Get Instant Access To:

✅ 30-Day Pain Transformation System 
✅ 30-Day Pain Transformation Workbook 
✅ Exclusive MindBodyBack VIP Community 
✅ Guided Somatic Tracking and Meditations
✅ 1-Month Personal Coaching 
✅ 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Total Value: $3,400

What Our Members Are Saying:

It’s been over 3 years I struggled with lower back pain, somedays worse than others. I fell back in early 2020 and hurt my knee and while doing PT, 3 months in, my lower back started to tighten up and hurt. I tried everything, doctors , specialists, PT, acupuncture, chinese cupping , massages, Donna Eden’s energy medicine , trigger point therapy , stretching and nothing really got rid of it. I would have some good days and then it would come back. I was so frustrated, then I came across Tommy’s instagram, it caught my eye, just like all back pain IG I would see but this one was different. I clicked on his story and I listened to what he was saying about neuroplasticity and it really made sense to me. I had been so stressed out during the pandemic, after hurting my knee, wondering if I’d be able to work when we opened back up. I had my son and daughter in law move in with us, while they waited to move into their new home , which was very stressful, then in 2021 my dad got sick and it took months to figure out what he had and in early 2022, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and passed very quickly at 74yrs old. I found out just weeks after my dad passed, my mom had dementia and had to move in with us for a while, then in 2023 my son was in a motorcycle accident and moved in with us, so we could take care of him while his wife worked and took care of their 1 year old. During all of that my husband’s mental health took a toll and he went out on disability. I knew in my heart that Tommy was on to something and after starting his course and just two weeks in, I’m for the first time in 3 years, PAIN FREE!!! I have a new outlook on pain and I’m not afraid of it anymore and I know with having a different outlook on it and following the advice in this course , I know I can push through just about any kind of pain that comes my way. Forever grateful, Lori K.

Lori K. (New York, USA)

I was diagnosed with a herniated disc in 2008 after weeks of nerve pain running down my leg. After 6 months of conservative therapy and no improvement I had a microdiscectomy. Although I was finally able to stand straight after the procedure I was still plagued with constant pain. I was afraid to do anything, everyone around me, doctors included, always cautioned me to watch everything I was doing from walking with a long stride to lifting anything over 20lbs. I would get major acute episodes that could last weeks to months and times in between where I was more functional but still in pain. I had done absolutely every kind of treatment possible from chiropractic, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, anti inflammatory meds, pain killers, lidocaine shots and nerve blocks. Not a single day would go by where I didn’t stretch, watch my posture in sitting, standing, walking, etc. Every night I would sleep with a pillow between my knees or under my legs. After my last nerve block which wasn’t successful I felt at the end of my rope. What brought me to learning about the mind body connection was when my daughter called from school saying that she forgot her binder and that I needed to drive it in. That day had began ok and my pain was minimal, but after hearing that I had to drive (something I had only been able to do in a limited fashion for years) I was angry and frustrated and the nerve pain started up in full force. As soon as I got home from dropping off the binder I began to look into seeing if there was a connection between mind and body and pain. I went immediately to a pain group that I am part of and looked into Pain Reprocessing therapy to see if any others had any experience with this. That’s when I discovered Tommy McCarthy as he had been talking about this on a post in the group. I remembered seeing his post maybe a month before but I had passed by it thinking that I wasn’t a candidate, I had already had a surgery and my docs had claimed by current problem was from residual scar tissue. (Beyond some scar tissue all other imagining showed a healthy spine). This time I re read his post and took the 25 minutes to watch his video and everything from there really clicked. I had checked almost every box on the path of pain diagram. Within a day of following what Tommy and other experts had laid out my pain dropped significantly, within a week it was completely gone. I have not taken any pain meds since this and have had the best sleeps I have had in the last 16 years plus I felt suddenly so happy and hopeful again. My husband and children noticed a huge difference in me, I’m happy and positive and unworried unlike what I had been before. I had thought that I would be stuck in this cycle of pain forever and even thinking of the future before had been incredibly depressive, I would always worry how much worse things were going to be as I aged. I can’t recommend this program enough. I know most people who have chronic pain try to throw every kind of treatment at the wall hoping that something sticks but I would say the large majority of us never even think to look into a mind body connection because until this program I always felt like when people would ever recommend anything to do with the mind that they would assume that the pain was fake and made up. That is not the case, the pain that we feel is real but instead of originating where we actually feel the pain it originates in the brain. I cannot recommend this program enough to anyone who suffers, what have you got to lose except the pain?

Whitney G. (Nova Scotia, CAN)

I used to believe that my bulging disc and sciatica would cause me pain forever. MindBodyBack not only gave me my life back, but also a new understanding of my brain and body. Best decision ever.

Daniel L. (California, USA)

After years of suffering with low back and hip pain, nothing has brought me more relief than the MindBodyBack program. It has given me a whole new perspective on my health and body.

Gerard M. (California, USA)

This is a fix focused on making good habits of really putting pain in its place and understanding it. It has helped me put into motion daily exercises to help overcome it with just a little effort each day.

Ryan T. (Washington, USA)

The transformation this program has brought to my life has been nothing short of remarkable. I gained unparalleled clarity and confidence in understanding the source of my back problems and, more importantly, a sustainable solution.

Dave B. (Noosa, AUS)