How It Works

MindBodyBack is an online program focusing on the treatment of chronic back pain.


Recent studies in neuroscience have proven that chronic back pain is often not the result of structural injury to the spine or weak muscles in the back, as has previously been assumed, but is caused by psychophysiologic processes that can be retrained and reversed.  

Pain serves as a warning signal, typically indicating physical harm when our body sustains injury, thereby prompting pain sensations through signals to the brain. However, there are instances where the brain incorrectly interprets non-threatening signals from the body as harmful, this is what we call "neuroplastic pain". This type of pain is essentially a misfiring alarm system in the brain.

This does not mean the pain is just "in your head". The pain experienced is real and can be validated through brain imaging studies, but it's crucial to understand that it often stems from learned neural pathways in the brain. Remarkably, just as the brain can learn to interpret these signals as pain, it can also unlearn them, offering a pathway to eliminating the pain all together.

Pain Reprocessing Therapy

MindBodyBack uses an innovative method known as Pain Reprocessing Therapy, designed to reshape the brain's neural pathways and turn off pain signals. This therapy employs a range of psychological strategies to retrain the brain in how it interprets bodily signals, thereby interrupting the ongoing cycle of chronic pain.

A key component of Pain Reprocessing Therapy is the practice of somatic tracking. This technique blends mindfulness with reassessments of safety and the cultivation of positive emotions. The goal of somatic tracking is to guide patients in experiencing their pain through a new perspective of safety, effectively disarming the pain response.

Frequently, individuals with chronic pain form conditioned responses where the brain links specific physical actions with the emergence of pain, such as associating walking, sitting, or stretching with back pain. A vital aspect of Pain Reprocessing Therapy is aiding these individuals in severing these links. This enables patients to participate in physical activities without experiencing associated pain.

As previously discussed, pain serves as a warning of danger. While it's crucial to retrain the brain to perceive this signal as harmless, fostering an overall sense of safety is equally important. Cultivating self-comfort, not just through logical reasoning but at an emotional level, is key. This approach can reassure the more instinctual parts of the brain, leading to a reduction or elimination of symptoms.

For more details on the supporting evidence of Pain Reprocessing Therapy, as well as insights into the research on neuroplastic pain, click here.

The MindBodyBack Agenda


Week 1: Fundamentals of Healing

✅ Uncover the shocking history of back pain, and how traditional diagnoses and treatments are amplifying your pain.

Why chiropractic, physical therapy, pills, and surgery DON'T provide lasting relief.

 Learn the #1 biggest misconception that is causing your pain to persist.

 Understand what pain really is, how it's caused, and lay the foundation for healing.


Week 2: Self-Discovery

✅ Identify the high-alert habits that are overwhelming your brain and nervous system and leading to pain.

 Reflect on the conditioned responses and associations that are perpetuating your pain.

 Learn and implement one of the most powerful tools for stopping pain in it's tracks.


Week 3: Somatic Tracking

✅ What is somatic tracking and how can we use it to heal our pain?

 Learn the most powerful techniques for somatic tracking and gain a deeper sense of connection with the body.

Put it into practice with our library of guided audio sessions and reflective exercises.


Week 4: Corrective Experiences

✅ Begin to safely expose yourself to previously painful actions and experiences.

 Rewire your brain and nervous system towards a new, pain-free identity.

✅ Learn tactics to calm the pain when it arrives and achieve lasting relief.


Week 5 and Beyond: Sustaining Your Pain-Free Life

✅ Learn how to quickly eliminate pain if it ever comes back.

 Share your transformation with the community and join an alliance of healers.

✅ Gain lifetime access and enjoy constantly updated and fresh content and resources.

✅ Live your life to the fullest without the experience or fear of back pain.

Start Healing Now ▸

Your LIFETIME Membership Includes:

Who this Program is For...

✅ You are determined to heal your chronic back pain effectively and efficiently, right from the comfort of your home.

✅ You're exhausted from trying endless treatments, therapies, and medications, only to find temporary or no relief from your back pain.

✅ You are committed to a profound health transformation, eager to embrace a life free from chronic pain, and ready to unlock your full potential.

Who this Program is NOT For...

❌ If you're seeking a magic pill, quick-fix solution to chronic back pain, this program is not suited for you.

❌ You prefer to rely on the overwhelming, often misleading pain management industry, continuously investing in short-term solutions without lasting results.

❌ You're inclined to mask your pain and fatigue with stimulants and temporary relief methods, avoiding the root causes of your chronic back pain.

Yes! MindBodyBack is For Me ▸

Proven Results

Pain Reprocessing Therapy has been proven to reduce chronic back pain in 98% of patients within just 4 weeks.
Even more impressively, 66% became completely pain-free

Frequently Asked Questions

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The content of this program is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions about treatment or changes to any health regimen. Results may vary, and there's no guarantee that the techniques will work for everyone. The creator of this program is not a licensed medical professional and is not providing medical advice or diagnosis.